Sunday - Church Service

Sunday Worship

We meet at 10:30am and 6:00pm every Sunday in the chapel for a time of corporate worship and prayer, and teaching from God's Word. Our worship can be described as traditional and heartfelt, and the preaching is expositional and systematic. We share communion on the first Sunday morning of each month. After the service we share fellowship over tea and coffee in the Baptist Centre

Bible Studies

Bible Studies

We meet together each Wednesday to study the Bible and pray. On the third Wednesday of each month we have a dedicated time of prayer. If you have any prayer needs please email

Tots & Tea

Tots & Tea

Free play and a small time of making music for kids ages 0-4. Tea and coffee provided. We'd love to see you there Tuesdays 10.00-11.30. Please email us for any extra information.


Children's Ministry

We encourage children to stay in the service where possible to partake in the family worship and the hearing of God's word. There is a crèche room available for families with young children where the service is relayed, please ask for details when you come.


Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is an informal course for people who'd like to investigate Christianity, or just brush up on the basics. We run Christianity explored yearly or as and when requested. The course explores who Jesus is and what it means for us to follow him. You're not asked to pray, sing, or read aloud, and you can ask any question you like. Or, if you prefer, you can come along and simply listen. Interested then contact: