We are Bible Believing

We believe that the Bible is God's Word for us today and can be trusted in all areas of our lives, because it's God breathed out Word (2 Tim. 3:16) & not merely men's thoughts on God, so we hold faithfully to its historic content & message (Tit. 1:9). We adhere to its doctrine and precepts. We also affirm the historic 1689 Baptist confession of faith.

We are Christ Centred

Christianity at its heart is not about being religious, being christened, baptized or even going to Church. It's all about being in a right relationship with God. Jesus Christ has entered into this world to make that possible for us. Through Jesus Christ’s death & resurrection people can know the forgiveness of sins, peace with God & the sure and certain hope of eternal life not simply when we die, but right now in the present life, we can be born from above and experience eternal life. God grants to all who repent of their sins & believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit that we might know Him and enjoy Him forever, now that’s good news! (Jn. 3:16)

We are Mission Minded

This means we believe the Gospel is the most important message we can share with our community & the world. We are driven by love to declare this gospel to all the world starting in the Church, outside in the community to our neighbour and beyond into our whole world. The gospel simply means good news, the good news is all about Jesus Christ, His death & resurrection (1 Cor. 15:1-4). It is this message that we seek to proclaim from the pulpit, in the community and in our lives.